12 November 2000

Woke up to an overdose of caffeine I took the nite b4...at least, thankfully, i managed to sleep eventually. The marble cheesecake was still floating around in my tummy, as is the coffee. I can't believe how I can stretch time...I'm definitely late for first service in church (NEW CREATION CHURCH http://www.newcreation.org.sg) so I thought I'll go for the second. & I'm still sitting here typing up...Anyway, just penned an email to Yasuko, my Japanese windsurfer friend, telling her that I've ordered for her brand new equipment blah blah... also that I long to be Supergirl like her. aha! Anywayz, one article caught my eye in The Sunday Times today. Rather, one particular pix...that of a bikini-clad China-Chinese-'Singaporean' table tennis player in the Sports section. I thought I was seeing things. I wondered about how she has RE-defined sports and sports apparels to be this? There was an argument about how generally Singaporeans do not favour foreign talent representing SIN in major competitions. I belong to that group that's NOT supporting the idea of foreign talent. Basically because I also belong to the group of LOCAL talent, local meaning 'by birth' & not immigration, that desires to be developed and nurtured to world-class standards. How simple can my reasoning get? In fact, I felt ZILCH when I read about some of 'our' table tennis players reaching the semi-finals in the Sydney Olympics. Simply because I can't help but think that they are not 'Singaporean' though they may be Singaporeans legally. They are not very Singaporean in the way they speak nor behave, I think. Being 'Singaporean' means more than just living in Singapore, eating chicken rice and taking the MRT. It also means more than wanting to play table tennis...or for her case, wanting a medal or wanting to play table tennis?? She could continue to play table tennis back home but may not win medals, conversely true if she's 'Singaporean'. Is it a passion for the sport or a passion to pursue fame & $$? Think about it...we cannot rely on shortcuts forever, simply. My 2 cts for this morning...got to rush to church now and then to the beach...

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