08 November 2004

Enterprise 50

Enterprise 50 I attended the E50 Gala Dinner last Friday at Swissotel and it was nicccce. Nice in many ways, more intrinsic than extrinsic. Not Extrinsic because the ang moh food is certainly insufficient for Singaporeans' tummies. Father-in-law said we have to follow-up with supper because he's still hungry. Intrinsic because being a 'clapper' at the event inspired me to work harder and persevere towards being an awardee some day. Brother-in-law (BIL) went up stage as husband just returned from overseas couple of days ago and just felt like being a spectator. Husband took photos. BIL said that the top companies had billions $ turnover. Wow! That's something all of us would like to work towards, don't we? haha. Already, I am so proud of my husband and the company for being in top 20 almost every year. It is a milestone, a big achievement and certainly, there's more to be achieved. There is also something about a fellow lady businessperson being an inspiration to the rest of the female entrepreneurs. Haach's Ponz Goo was one of the few ladies on stage. Her red dress and her porcelain skin stood her out from the group of similar-looking black-tuxedoed men. Her company was not ranked too highly but indeed, it's successful. That's why I chose to do my facials at Haach too...I liked and identified with their company vision. I told my husband that in 2 years, I hope to be among the winners for the Startup prizes! So far, it's doing ok...it's able to finance my new vehicle which is arriving end of this month. His name is Surfsnoop. I already have my Snoopy car accessories - seat-belts, gear stick, handbrake and neck-pillows. Jetting off to Tokyo for a 5-days hols this Thursday. This hols will be our annual 'honeymoon', making use of the 2 public hols, it's a steal. Husband has planned Disneyland, Disney Sea, lots of shopping and meeting Jap windsurfer friends for dinner and sight-seeing. Not too enthu about the earthquakes though. :) Then going off to Pattaya for a windsurfing race on1 Dec for a week. At this point in time, it is not certain that there may be a Ladies category at 05 SEA Games. If none, life goes on and the prize may well be an Entrepreneurial one, rather than Sports. Between the 2, I very much prefer the Business prize. There's too many exciting things to look forward to, such as collecting my new saddle tonight! No, I've not given up cycling, but I've not been riding since LCK race. Perhaps thrice in total since Aug, each about 100km, for fun. I've no team, only friends who are always there whenever I want to ride. Isn't this more precious?

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